About us

Hungreats is a restaurant directory located in Setia Alam.

We share information about new and great places to eat with people who live nearby.

We also support local restaurants by promoting them so that more people can visit, and they get more exposure to the public.

Our Services

Restaurant Listing

Detailed restaurants business profile to let your customers know more about your business.

Demo is provided, click the button below to visit our premium demo profile for restaurant

Table Reservation System

This features allows customers to book a table directly from restaurants with no extra charges.

**This features only available in Premium plan

Coming soon

The next premium features we planning is a selling product features.

This features allow business to sell their product or services to their customer through our platform.

**Expected Date : June 2024


Free Plan

  • Business bio
  • Contact details (Phone numbers, Emails)
  • Location (Address)
  • Category (Type of cuisine)
  • Business timeline (Post feed)
  • DM (Direct Message)
  • Action button (Save button, Share button)
  • Gallery (Logo, Featured Image, Photo gallery)

Premium plan

30 MYR
  • Everything in Free Plan
  • Social media button
  • Business Description
  • Contact details (+Business website link)
  • Price range
  • Amenities
  • Enquiry form
  • Table reservation system
  • Customer group

Contact us

Feel free to contact us for more info or to get help from us.

Become a member

Become our premium member now!